Why should you use SAS Promotions when there are so many other companies available online?
Fair question. EASY answer.
You cannot purchase custom promotional products based on price alone. It's that simple, because the product lines and possibilities are far too numerous (as well as complicated). When you hire SAS, we make the process simple, by managing all of the complex processes for you.
Of course the "big guys" have lots of simple products at much lower prices, but do they give the level of customer service SAS provides? Absolutely not. When you speak with us, you get years of promotional experience combined with expert knowledge in artwork and creative design. SAS also offers something no other company can... heart!
For over 29 years, promotional products is all we have done. It is not a sideline for us or something we do to make a little extra money. We are dedicated professionals who know this industry upside down and backward. Heck, we even know it right side up and forward!
If you are purchasing based solely on budget, without regard to quality or service, then you will want to look at the big box companies for your supplies as we will not be your best choice. If you are looking for a business partner with an understanding of your particular business who will guide you to the best and most effective promotional products, then your choice is most definitely SAS Promotions.
We help by doing most of the work for you, so you can concentrate on other projects and tasks. When you look good, we look good. When we look good, you continue to allow us to help.
We're ready whenever you are!